You can help CPSIG by volunteering for one of our vacant roles.

You don't need to be an 'expert', just passionate about developing child protection and safeguarding from a medical perspective.

The basic time commitment is to attend three virtual committee meetings (two hours each) per year, plus an additional hour or two per month to undertake meeting actions.

Executive Committee

Applications are sought for the following positions, to serve for four years:

  • Treasurer

Please see below for details on how to apply

Deadline: 30 June 2025 [will be extended for if no applications received]

Job descriptions for all Executive Committee roles can be found in the CPSIG Terms of Reference document.

Regional rep vacancies

Nominations are sought for the following areas, to take up post immediately and serve for four years:

  • East of England (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk)
  • Scotland
  • Wales

We welcome joint applications. Please see below for how to apply.
Deadline: 30 June 2025[will be extended for some regions if no applications received]

Job description for role:

  • co-ordinate CPSIG activities in the Region by disseminating relevant information
  • encourage local and regional peer review.
  • organise a CPSIG Regional event at least once every three years
  • attend CPSIG Exec (two-hour virtual meetings, three times a year) and annual AGM (usually held at the BACCH annual conference), to share information on regional activities
  • encourage membership of CPSIG in the region
  • champion the SPIN (special interest) module in safeguarding
  • provide advice and guidance of training/education opportunities for those interested in child protection

How to apply for roles

  • Please send a CV (three pages max) along with a brief statement (250 words max) outlining your experience and reasons for wanting to take up the role.
  • You should be a current member of CPSIG.
  • Send applications and queries to the CPSIG Administrator ([email protected])
  • If more than one suitable applicant applies for a position, your statement will be sent to the whole membership (or region for the Regional Rep roles) and a vote will take place.
  • In the event of only one name being submitted, no election will take place and the sole nominee will be deemed elected.
  • Please see the CPSIG Terms of reference for a full overview of how CPSIG operates.
CPSIG is a special interest group of BACCH & RCPCH
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